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Diversity and inclusion
Fashion should empower and inspire. We will enable our customers, creative partners, employees, and those working in our supply chain to raise their voices and fulfil their potential. From our warehouses and factories, to our offices and studios, we will advocate for equal rights and live by our commitment to diversity and inclusivity. We will be a champion of diversity and female empowerment in fashion.
Giving voice to women
We want to empower and enable our customers to raise their voices.
  • Influencers representing all five continents
  • By 2025, 80% of customers perceive NA-KD as “celebrating equality & diversity”
  • In 2021, we worked with more than 10,600 influencers in 15 different countries, representing all continents of the world
  • 61% of customers perceived NA-KD as "celebrating equality & diversity" at the beginning of 2022 (according to our customer survey) – up from 41% the year before
  • During spring 2021, we launched our Creators Council – gathering eight creators and influencers from diverse backgrounds with diverse perspectives, and have held six sessions together to listen to their thoughts and creative ideas on how to make NA-KD a better company and brand.
  • Secure diversity both in front of and behind the camera.
  • Highlight diversity & equality issues through selected influencers.
  • Continue to cast Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) models, ensuring everyone can see their own skin tone celebrated on our website and in our marketing campaigns.
  • Continue to develop inclusive beauty products, including shades and formulas that meet the diverse needs of our BAME customers.
  • Over the next two years, we will invest 2.5M EUR into female-founded fashion, lifestyle and beauty businesses, using our platform to help them to succeed.
An inclusive workplace
We want to create a culture of belonging with equal status, rights, conditions and opportunities for all.
  • A balanced representation of women/men/ non-binary through the organisation; both from a functional and managerial perspective.
  • Maintain our high level of foreign-born co-workers*.
  • All staff and recruitment partners to take regular diversity & inclusion training.
  • All staff to take anti-harassment and bullying training during 2021.
  • Equal employee satisfaction between gender/ age/departments.
*which is substantially above average compared to Swedish industry
  • 75% female employees, 65% female managers and 42% female executives
  • 33% foreign-born employees (in our offices in Sweden)
  • In 2021, all employees were invited to training on diversity and inclusion in collaboration with our partner, the Rainbow Fund
  • Our new internal Code of Conduct has a dedicated section on non-discrimination, harassment and bullying. In 2021, 70% of all employees were trained in our Code of Conduct (and trainings continue throughout 2022)
  • Employee satisfaction between gender / age / departments have all become more equal over time. Please see our latest Sustainability Report for details (all figures are at the end of 2021 and updated annually)
  • Updating our internal Code of Conduct.
  • Training plans & development with focus on leadership, diversity & inclusion.
  • Provide continuous unconscious bias training for all staff and management.
  • Implement a flexible approach to holidays.
  • Continue with Social Media content featuring our employees and their testimonials.
  • Establish internal Diversity & Inclusion council.
Fair and equal jobs in our supply chain
We respect human rights and will make it a priority to empower and enable all people across our supply chain to be able to fulfil their potential.
  • By 2025, factories representing at least 50% of our spend enrolled in concrete social sustainability initiatives.
  • By 2025, factories representing 80% of our spend showing high performance in social audits (at least B in amfori BSCI audits, or similar in other systems).
  • During 2022, we're selecting what concrete initiative/s we will start introducing to our supply chain producing units. Stay tuned!
  • In 2021, 15% of our producers showed a high performance in social audits
  • Continuously support factories with actions and improvement plans for working conditions and respect for human rights
  • Identify and initiate social sustainability initiatives targeting women and workers’ rights in our supply chain
  • Supply chain wage mapping and strategy
Our role in society:
Ignite a movement in the fashion industry that empowers and inspires all
We want to advocate for everyone’s right to be who they are, to celebrate diversity and advance inclusion in our society.
  • By 2025, 80% of customers perceive NA-KD as “celebrating equality & diversity”
  • Identify and initiate at least four long-term shared value initiatives during 2021
  • 61% of customers perceived NA-KD as "celebrating equality & diversity" at the beginning of 2022 (according to our customer survey) – up from 41% the year before
  • Four shared value initiatives in 2021: 1) Womengineer, 2) The Rainbow Fund, 3) The Rescue Mission / Agora, and 4) The Know Your Lemons® Foundation. For details, please see our Sustainability Report for 2021
  • To use our voice in society to advocate through marketing and taking a stand as a company through our public affairs and relations activities.
  • Support for NGOs that support everyone’s right to be who they are.
  • Inspire girls to become whoever and whatever they want.
  • We will support young women’s rights and mental health, especially in the wake of the pandemic.
  • Continue to increase our inclusive sizing range to make sure that NA-KD fashion truly is for all.
Our progress
All for equality
For us it is a given that we are all entitled to equal rights. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, however old you are and whatever you believe in. Here at NA‑KD, we are reaching out to millions of people every day – most of which are young women. We believe we have the responsibility to promote these fundamental human rights values, to empower women, and be an advocate for all kinds of equality.
Amplifying women’s voices
We aim to be a platform that amplifies women’s voices. By using our business and social channels to give space to customers, content creators and influential people, we want to let women share their own stories and what is important to them. Working with thousands of creators from around the globe, we will continue to share the perspectives of a diverse group of people.
NA-KD Art is a limited edition collection that celebrates creativity with a more avant-garde aesthetic. In short, it is wearable art. Each drop is presented in collaboration with a female artist who leads the creative direction and interprets our designs in her own way.
NA-KD by You
NA-KD by You is an annual concept where we co-create a collection together with our customers. Using our community of several million people, we ask them to design, name, model and create content for these drops. As one of our community models said: “Clothes aren’t going to change the world, but I hope people wearing them will.” And so, we hope that by embracing the wishes and creativity of our community we can make everyone feel included.
Creating an inclusive workplace
The more diverse a company, the better it performs. According to research performed by McKinsey, companies that rank in the top quartile for gender diversity in executive teams are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability than companies in the bottom quartile. The research also showed that companies in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity are 36% more likely to outperform industry peers. We are working hard to ensure that NA-KD is an inclusive workplace. Beyond hiring a really international team - we currently have employees from more than 30 countries - we are also hosting diversity and inclusivity training sessions for the team. Our long-term goals can be read in detail above.
When it comes to amplifying women’s voices in the industry, we know that two thirds of the workforce is female. But this ratio is not represented at executive levels. At NA-KD we are proud to say that 42% of our executive team and 65% of our leaders are women. Find out more about how we work with this here and our progress in our latest Sustainability Report.
Always improving
At the start of 2021 we performed an independent, internal investigation of our working conditions at NA-KD. Now we are working hard to improve all the areas that were identified to become a better employer and brand.
You can read more on this in our Sustainability Report.
Decent work for all
The fashion industry employs over 75 million people worldwide. We are well aware of the struggle to achieve good working conditions, wages and livelihoods in every single country where fabrics and garments are sourced. But it is a challenge we take head on. We are continuously improving these aspects for all people working in our value chain, in close collaboration with our industry peers.
Read about our work for fair and equal jobs in our supply chain here.
Our role in society
For many years, diversity in fashion has meant using a non-white face in marketing campaigns. But today, fashion companies are responding to pressure from customers, employees and other stakeholders to do more. Instead of relying on eye-catching imagery, they must proactively advocate for diversity and inclusion. Taking a public stand on topics relating to diversity and inclusion is something that we are proud of at NA-KD. And supporting wider social issues in alignment with our brand values is close to our hearts.
Equal rights for all
We believe in equal rights for all people. That everybody, regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality or religion should be treated fairly and have the same opportunities in life. That we all should be able to live a life free of oppression, harassment or hate. Sadly, this is not the world we live in today. But we acknowledge our responsibility to contribute to a future where this is the case. To educate and enlighten people. To give voice to underrepresented voices. To be a force for change. Through our actions, our messages and our collaborations. We hope that you will join us in this fight.
Everyone’s right to love freely
We support the LGBTQIA+ community by partnering with RegnbĂĄgsfonden - a Swedish organisation that advocates for LGBTQIA+ rights. We are also proud supporters of Pride and have hired content creators from the community to create films in which LGBTQIA+ people could tell their stories. We have also donated money to the United Nations Free and Equal initiative in the past.
Inspire girls to become whoever and whatever they want
The United Nations has released 17 Sustainable Development Goals. One key lever to achieve them is for more girls to attend school and get a higher education. One way we are trying to make this happen is to donate money to and support the Girl Effect. Their work is helping to unlock the power of girls through media. Giving girls and young women the confidence and curiosity to become whoever and whatever they want.
Supporting young women’s rights and mental health
Unfortunately, mental health continues to be a challenge for many young women around the world. Anxiety and depression is spiking, and it is easy to feel alone in this experience. That is why we are investing in research and donate to non-profit organisations that support this topic. One example is our continued support of Gurls Talk, a community-led non-profit dedicated to promoting the mental health and wellbeing of adolescent girls and young women. We are also collaborating with thought-leaders and speakers in this area to bring useful tips and personal experiences to our huge community in social media.
Supporting our local community
Our design and creative process results in a lot of samples. Samples that are tested and screened by our purchasing department, but also used when shooting images for our website and social media channels. We donate most of these clothes to charities, both to second-hand shops and local shelters that support vulnerable women - including homeless women, victims of domestic violence and women exposed to trafficking and prostitution.
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